The 15th Annual Lovie Awards

Eligibility & Guidelines

Eligibility & Guidelines

The Lovie Awards Competition is open to all organisations and individuals involved in designing, building, managing, maintaining, marketing, or promoting AI & Immersive, Apps, Platforms & Software, Film & Video, Podcasts, Marketing, Advertising & PR, Social, Websites & Mobile Sites and Beyond Categories workfor European business, consumer, or general audiences. Here are some helpful guidelines for making sure the entry process goes off without a hitch.


All work entered into The Lovie Awards must be created by a company or individual on behalf of a European-based client or individual, for use by European web audiences. Entries must have been in general use for at least part of the current calendar year. Entries do not, however, need to have been created this year. There is no limit to the number of entries that may be submitted by any entrant, nor is there a limit to the number of categories you may enter. A completed online entry form and fee must accompany each entry

Unacceptable material

Entries that contain pornographic material, propagate “hate” messages, make defamatory statements, or which are otherwise extraordinarily offensive are not eligible.

Fake / spec work

Entries, specifically those entered into the Advertising category, that are fake or produced as spec work (not commissioned or paid for by a client or media entity) will not be eligible for judging.


Ineligible entries may be disqualified at any phase of the competition without notification.

Acknowledgement of entries

Entrants will receive an email acknowledgment when an entry has been received.

Terms of Conditions of entry / usage

The Lovie Awards assumes all entries are original and the entrant either owns the work or has permission from a client or other appropriate party to enter the work, with all rights granted therein. In the event that an entrant without such rights submits an entry, the entrant will not be eligible for the competition. The Lovie Awards are not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the entrant.

Entries must have been live and available on the Internet between August 2024 and September 2025 (regardless of release or launch date), and accessible via http and standard web browsers.

Work that is online within a limited timeframe, such as competitions or campaigns, can submit case study sites or videos of the work. Entries must have be live and available on the Internet between August 2024 and September 2025 (regardless of release or launch date).

Submission of any entry (including Internet Video entries) acknowledges the right of The Lovie Awards to use it for exhibition, promotion, and publication purposes in any medium.

Timely submission of an entry meeting the eligibility requirements and payment of the entry fee as stated herein ensures that an entrant’s work will be reviewed and considered for recognition. No other representation or warranty is made by The Lovie Awards concerning entries and all implied warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed.

If an entry receives an award, the manner and details of announcing such nomination and award are strictly within the discretion of The Lovie Awards. Entrant understands that all awards may not be given or publicised in the same manner and some might be presented in a ceremony while others might not.

Foreign language entries

AI & Immersive, Apps, Platforms & Software, Film & Video, Podcasts, Marketing, Advertising & PR, Social, Websites & Mobile Sites and Beyond Categories: work must be accessible to our English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, and Swedish speaking judges. In categories that may not depend on language, other language sites are eligible if they are highly visual or otherwise not dependent on language.

Film & Video: all Video entries in any language other than English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, or Swedish MUST be dubbed or subtitled.

Entering the Brand Strategy category

The Brand Strategy category in the Marketing, Advertising & PR group of categories was created to reflect the innovative uses of media to promote a brand in an online advertising strategy. Please provide a URL to a splash page, or a short mini movie explaining the work and its effectiveness, innovation, and integration. You may also link directly to the work itself. Please keep in mind that it is to your advantage to provide as much information as you can for the judging process.

Accepted formats / entry type info

Entries must have be live and available on the Internet between August 2024 and September 2025 (regardless of release or launch date), and accessible via http and standard web browsers.

Work that is online within a limited timeframe, such as competitions or campaigns, can submit case study sites or videos of the work. Entries must have be live and available on the Internet between August 2024 and September 2025 (regardless of release or launch date).

AI & Immersive

All entries into this category are to be provided as URLs entered into the online entry system. Entries must have been in general use for at least part of the current calendar year.

Websites & Mobile Sites

All entries into the Website categories are to be provided as URLs entered into the online entry system. Entries must have been in general use for at least part of the current calendar year.

Marketing, Advertising & PR

Single advertising entries are to be provided as URLs entered in the online entry system. Campaign entries can be entered as a single URL with all the elements on one web page, or as multiple URLs with each individual element on separate web pages. We will not accept DVDs with branded content, viral marketing or rich media entries on them.

All flash, video, and other rich media elements must be posted online and available for review at a specified URL or Web page.

Film & Video

We will not accept DVDs with internet entries on them. Work is to be judged as it appeared online and must be posted online and available for review at a specified URL or web page.

If you are entering work created on behalf of a product or promotion or that brings entertainment value to brands, or that integrates brands into entertainment, then it should be entered into the Advertising “Branded Content” suite of categories, or into the Video “Branded Entertainment” suite.

Apps, Platforms & Software

These entries must be accessible via a smartphone, PDA or other mobile device. They will be judged on a mobile device.


All entries into the Social categories are to be provided as URLs entered into the online entry system. Entries must have been in general use for at least part of the current calendar year.


All entries into this category are to be provided as URLs entered into the online entry system. Entries must have been in general use for at least part of the current calendar year.


All entries into this category are to be provided as URLs entered into the online entry system. Entries must have been in general use for at least part of the current calendar year

Detailed entry instructions

Entries must be entered online using the online entry form. An entry is considered processed after a completed entry form is received by The Lovie Awards and payment for the entry fee is received. The Lovie Awards reserves the right to re-categorise entries and to create new categories if appropriate.

By clicking on the ‘enter now’ link located in the navigation bar of the main site, you will gain access to a four-page entry form in which to officially enter information.

  1. Initial entry page: Choose an ‘entry type’ — Apps, Platforms & Software, Film & Video, Podcasts, Social, Marketing, Advertising & PR, Websites & Mobile Sites, AI & Immersive, Beyond Categories
  2. After initial selection: include entry information (title of entry, URL where the entry is located, site password (if needed), and category selection)
  3. Entrant details page: include name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of entrant
  4. Review entry details / payment options page: allows for editing and verification of correct information and the selecting of appropriate payment method
  5. Payment and confirmation pages: includes directions on payment completion, provides a confirmation number for the entry transaction

Entries Deadlines

  • Early Entry Deadline is Friday, May 9, 2025
  • Final Entry Deadline is Friday, June 27, 2025
  • Extended Entry Deadline is Friday, Aug 8, 2025
  • Summer Grace Entry Deadline is Friday, Sep 12, 2025
  • Finalists Announced Tuesday, September 30, 2025

For questions or comments related to The Lovie Awards, please contact Customer Service at or +1 212 627 8601.

Mailing address for entry fees

1544 Winchester Avenue Suite 601
Ashland, KY 41101 USA