The 14th Annual Lovie Awards Media Coverage
Lovie 14 Top Media Moments
- Little Black Book: Hey Honey and Crocs Take Gold at the Lovies for Innovative Jacob Collier x Crocs Collaboration
- Yahoo Sports: Inter awarded at the Clio Sports Awards
- Emerce: “Lovie Awards Celebrates Wins Across Europe”, GoSpooky sleept ook dit jaar zeven Lovie Awards
- Markets Insider: Hype Celebrates Multiple Awards for Best Launch and Brand Integration at the 14th Annual Lovie Awards
- Framna is recognized with nine Lovie Awards, Framna Denmark Celebrates OK App’s win at 2024 Lovie Awards: a milestone in digital excellence
- Europa Press: La visita virtual a la Roca del Moros en Cogul (Lleida), premiada en los Lovie Awards 2024, Guggenheim Bilbao Museoaren ‘Kosmo’ proiektuak publikoaren eta epaimahaiaren sariak jaso ditu Lovie Awards sariketan
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